It's clear we have not yet gotten into a rhythm of doing blog entries yet. This will certainly be something we work on. I'm sure in some regards we'll have more 'significant' posts to update once we're in Ecuador; however, there are definitely notable things taking place currently as well.
Today I will share 3 interesting things that have taken place while we've been in the Midwest.

2. Fergus Falls, MN. It was really great to connect with my extended family and home church in Fergus. We were blessed to have the opportunity to share about Ecuador with the congregation, at some adult Sunday School classes, and with many individuals/families.

There had clearly been a mouse making a home in our car. I suppose we may have tempted the little bugger into our car by leaving a bar of dark chocolate in the glove box-- but how did he get in there??
Needless to say, we removed the chocolate, and are hoping not to be surprised by a squeaky little bugger while driving one of these days.
We've also been reminded of one thing while staying here in Fargo: This is one WINDY town!
Blessings to all of you-- we pray the fall has been treating you well and that you have not been plagued with mice as we have!